The latest update regarding deployment of pre-medical interns indicates that learners will have to incur own costs and apply for attachment in desired medical centers.
This was according to the letter shared by the Senior Public Relations Officer Ministry of Health Emmanuel Ainebyoona.
According to the letter, the Ministry of Health held a meeting on June 6 with Pre-medical Interns where they were updated on the available options for deployment to medical internship as the Ministry waits for communication from the Ministry of Finance on the availability of funds for their allowances.
During the zoom meeting, the Permanent Secretary, Dr. Diana Atwine informed the medical pre-interns that some parents and pre-interns had approached the Ministry requesting to be allowed to start internship at their own cost, to avoid further loss of time.
The Ministry also observed that the delayed deployment of medical interns has distorted the internship cycles given that other students are about to graduate from various medical schools and these will also compete for the same training facilities.
It is against this background that the Ministry requested those pre-medical interns who in the meantime can afford, to apply for deployment in the internship training centers of their choice. Dr. Atwine added that they will be reimbursed if the Ministry of Finance avails funds.
Mr Ainebyoona also noted that: “it is unfortunate to note that some of the pre-medical interns who attended the meeting yesterday became rowdy and started hurling insults at the Ministry officials who were trying to discuss the options for their deployment.”
Furthermore, some of the pre-interns have embarked on an online campaign of distorting information and sharing abusive information on social media against the Ministry of Health.
The Ministry of Health has appeals for calm and advises those ready to commence their internship to urgently apply for deployment to minimize on further loss of time.