News from the Ankole based Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) shows that one of the students is in a frightened state. This follows her poor performance in the recently concluded mid semester examinations which were held in April this year.
As a culture, MUST subjects all its students to two sets of examinations which include mid semester and end of semester. Last week, mid semester results were released for students to prepare for end of semester examinations.
As other students were jubilating because of their good performance, our reporter landed on a paper of a first year student (name withheld) pursuing a bachelor of Science in Procurement and Supply Chain Management who did not perform to her expectations in which she earned 13 out 50 expressed as 26%.
In addition to her disappointment with the results, she was also frustrated by the comment the lecturer put on her paper that added salt to injury. ‘’Prepare to come next year’’ merciless lecturer commented.
According to university examinations standard, when a student fails a course unit, he/she is advised to re-do it the following academic year.
However, this student still stands at greater chances of surviving a retake since mid-semester plus course works are marked out of 40% with end of semester taking the biggest share of 60%. As campus bee, we stand with this student not to lose hope.