Just a few days into the new semester, the high gear of ‘Hunger’ and massive influx in ‘Horn” that has been exhibited by mostly ladies with guys taking the opportunity with two hands is alarming!
Doing a Bachelor’s in Accounting and residing in the ghetto of Small Gate, Nakawa, a one Sandra Nalubega from MUBS is most likely to be on steroids that have stimulated her appetite for sex. On the day of her return to her hostel, she left her neighbors shocked when four different guys came into her room on different occasions and dosages of moans were heard coming from her room.
Likewise this has also been experienced in the top hostels of Valley courts, Akamwesi, Bahesi at MUBS, Kikoni in Makerere and many other hostels. This very high sexual appetite could be the reason condoms and alcohol sales have increased abnormally and dispensers are being emptied in a split second.
The rate at which campus students are having sex is terribly high a few days after they reported for semester II. This has been witnessed during day time as lecturers have had to teach a handful of students. “Regardless of looks, period of relationship or size of the wallet, the rate at which campusers are chewing themselves is alarming”, denotes a retailer at small gate.
Meanwhile, at Kikoni, students are not ashamed to have chaw any time of the day as others play loud music to dilute the moans emitted. “It is like a marathon in Olympia Hostel, students are ‘eating’ themselves like there’s no tomorrow.” a one Phillip told Campusbee.
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