Passionate about Christ, in love with adventure and very industrious are the descriptions befitting of Daisy Masembe, a third year student at Makerere University offering Industrial Art. Through her love for Art, she has been able to put up a T-shirt business known as SetapArt prints while at the same time using it as an evangelism platform for the gospel and this explains why all her personally designed t-shirt prints are of Christian messages.

Daisy narrated that If you met someone along the road wearing a t-shirt that she designed with an encouraging message especially one that gives you some hope, she will sleep better that night. Working on these T-shirts is something she jubilates in so there is no hustle between her small business and school which has enabled her business to survive for a full two years and expected to survive even more.

Considering that she is a government sponsored student, it’s easy to dismiss the fact that she has needs. However, all her earnings cater for her girl needs and the balance goes to savings and some to charity. She doesn’t have a definite daily income figure so her good days depend on the number of sales and also when she gets big orders from her clients. Each of her sample shirts costs shs20, 000 or more depending on how complex your design is.

Just like all businesses, this one too has its own challenges and she said that her main challenge has been breaking into the market, because she is still new in the field and getting a steady market is still a challenge. However she hopes to grow much further than just t-shirt printing to all kinds of print as she currently also does graphic design both print graphics and motion graphics. To view more of her samples, visit her Facebook page SetapArt prints or email her at
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