When you enter Ainembabazi Innocent Eric’s room in his hostel in Bugujju, just near Uganda Christian University, Mukono where he has been doing his Bachelors in Procurement and Logistics for the last 2 years now, you will find a setting that will strike you.
There is small bed placed at the center of the room, below his only window, to the front side of the bed lies some of his recording equipment. Just at his door, he places a reading table. On top is a laptop. But at the start of the weekends, Eric shuffles his single room. He transfers his bed to stand on one side, at the front of his bathroom, almost blocking the entrance to his room. The roommates during this time actually struggle to fit into this small room to position themselves for recording sessions.
Eric owns a recording studio, “Hot Trigger Productions” where he records and produces music of some of the coming-up musicians he works with. Together with 5 others Brian Oloya, Alvin Alinda, Nickson, Jesse Kibirige,Timothy Tukamushaba and Andrew Yiga. These all have different responsibilities they play on the team.
Nickson, the camera guy positions his gadget at the entrance of the door so he is able to capture and record every moment.
Eric gave an interview to Joel Osekeny to share what it is like in his hostel room/recording studio.
Tell us about your recording label.
Actually, we started two years back, with a vision of state of art in production services but we were having some constraints despite our struggles. Here, we do not limit the music we record. I believe there is a lot to learn from the guys we work with, that’s why we accept any form of music.
The last time I was here, one of the artists was doing a cover, do guys actually come with new content?
The people in the production team and the people who do come for production are revolutionary, they are always researching for a discovery beyond and outside the box. And for this production, creativity and originality is key we don’t limit content.
What kind of music equipment do you have?
All the equipment needed for a standard home studio.
Who owns the equipment and the entire production?
I own, manage and direct the equipment during the production.
How many guys have you done production with so far?
Five at the moment, I have worked with most of the potential people around concentrating on developing their unique talents. I have signed one so far.
Do you charge the guys you do recordings for?
Most who have come just have passion and potential but they don’t have exposure, so most of the time its development and I get pleasure in developing with others. However, if am to charge it would be passed their financial capabilities and I know student’s life.

So, you do not charge, how do you benefit in all of this doing production being a free thing?
Just growing with people has been a desirable goal for me, when we open doors to creativity and personality for a difference.
What days do you record, how often in a week?
Every weekend because we schedule artists through the weekend, till late and we can’t go to the bar before getting done with the work. And we go to the bar to listen to trending hits and production.
Doesn’t the production make noise for people that share the hostel with you.
Surprisingly most of the people in my hostel are on my team.
Is the custodian okay with the production?
The custodian respects us and is very okay with it. She doesn’t even charge us an extra fee.
How do you juggle with music and academics, what time do you get to read?
It’s a skill I acquired from school, balancing life. Whatever you’re doing you need to give time for relationships, academic work and leisure. Don’t get lost in oneself because they all need time throughout life.
Do you miss class sometimes because you are lost in production?
Heheheh… no I don’t miss class. I like class a lot because it feeds me knowledge and I respect my class time table though at times I don’t make it on time in the morning if I sleep late or in case of a class break and time catches me in the university library surfing something new.
Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I hope by the time I finish campus, I will have secured a strategic location in the city where I can compete favourably with the already main stream record labels.
Any last words or remarks?
I believe Hot Trigger Productions is going to be a very big thing in the near future, revolutionizing the music industry. i am very positive.
I think i will stop here, thank you
Thank you too.
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