Dreaming to startup a venture in life solely depends on your decision and aggressiveness to start regardless of the state you are in life, age you are or what you got at hand.
Determination to achieve, perseverance to overcome failure and zeal to succeed are some of the things that will guide you to whatever you want. For Namanya Anisha, 21 a finalist doing a certificate in Business Administration at MUBS, the urge to own her business entity and be the boss lady caught up with her quite early and thanks to that, she’s a stone throw away from being the real boss lady. She now owns Quisha Liquid soap and name she derived as an acronym of her name and liquid.

While still in S6, Anisha then 18 nursed a love to own a business and it occurred to her that a Liquid Soap business was one that could drive her dream home. With a starting capital fuelling from her Dad, Anisha set out to face the real business world with little knowledge about what she was going out to face.
“I make liquid soap for both household and laundry work”, starts a jolly Anisha. “I started from my school in my s.6 because I wanted to start getting my own earnings and it’s from my dad that I got support through giving me starting capital’, recounts Anisha.
Because Anisha knew little about Business at her juvenile stage, she saw her business incur enormous losses that could have pulled her out of the hustle maybe once or twice. However, with her charisma to continue struggling with her business, she stuck to her guns for a little while longer. “I had no idea and neither did I know how to market my business so it really lowered my earnings and got in so many losses. I have gotten many people from different businesses and have come to learn how to deal with people of different kinds”, explains Anisha
On top of the many losses, Anisha’s most challenging thing is understanding people and what they want. “You make soap thinking it’s quality; very thick but someone wants it very watery and duplicated making it hard for you because you want to give him quality then also some people love cheap stuff however much u lower the price they will still complain”, explains a sad Anisha
With such a venture, Anisha has got to meet different people from all walks of life and business in general which has helped her strengthen and broaden her connections.
Asked about her earnings, Anisha intimated that “The kind of business I run is not a daily earning business so I would prefer speaking of monthly payments which is hard depending where deliveries have been made”. With bad months, she has had to incur debts from somewhere else to make people’s orders.
In the hustle, Anisha has continues to give the almighty thanks and thoughts for getting her this far. “It’s just a saying I have instilled in myself ‘There is no permanent situation’ and the God I serve has never let me down”, hails Anisha in a jovial mood.

With her profits and savings, she no longer bugs her parents with petty things such as clothes and upkeep but rather digs deep in her own pocket. “I use my savings for personal provisions and maybe helping out with different stuff where need be”, adds Namanya
Her Campus program and Business schedule favor her and never distort her concentration as she works in the morning then goes to campus later in the evening after doing deliveries.
Asked how she describes her hustle in five words, a smiley Anisha fumbles on; “Life is a roller coaster” as her description. In the near five years or so, Anisha would love to garner more money in her business and make it bigger with time which she believes will be achievable with hard work.
God Bless your Hustle!
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