You probably have seen these tiny bands of skaters who pull their legs so smoothly over the tarmac at Makerere each evening. Well, skating is a risky passion but one young man shares his joys about this sport.
Enoch and his friends have discovered happiness in skating, they do freestyle skating for fun. Surprisingly, it is also a passion-driven sport, not one for the weak hearted. Enoch started skating at 11 years, and he’s now 21. Skating is no cheap sport as told by those that do it. It calls for one to be willing to invest enough money as the skates can go for even more than UGX 200,000.
Every 8th November, there are skating competitions at Namboole that bring together skaters from all over the country. Enoch and his friends think and hope that the government should invest in skating as a sport.
They earn from skating through activities such being wedding entourages while on skates. They’re suddenly doing something with their lives and that is quite amazing!
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