At a really tender age, Achieng has managed to achieve what many people only achieve after their thirtieth birthday- success. Over the years, Achieng has managed to push herself through all the hurdles that any young person might face until she achieved what she wanted- being Miss Earth 2016/17.

Achieng (23), graduated from Makerere University Business School [MUBS] where she was pursuing a Bachelor’s Degree in Leadership and Governance. As a strong environmentalist, after winning the pageantry, Achieng’s environmental advocacy was waste management and her slogan is “Let’s all re-use to reduce.” Campus Bee managed to get her for a simple interview;
What’s your environmental advocacy and why did you choose it?
It’s waste management, and I chose it because I live in Kampala and I have grown up in Kampala. So I think the biggest problem we have in the city is waste management and you know we have to start from home, I must leave the city clean.
What does “woman of the earth” mean?
Woman of the earth means a big, strong advocate for the environment. What are you doing for the earth? As Woman of the earth, you stand up and save the earth.
What are some of the projects you have worked on?
I have worked with so many projects so far. The first was after being crowned where I worked on a project with Rotaract team in Fortportal and it was amazing, I loved those kids so much. My next project was in Manila and Davao in the Philippines. In Manila, we visited three schools and it was so amazing teaching young children how to save the environment and eco-tourism. All the Miss earth winners from around the world were there, 83 candidates in total.
Generally, I have had so many projects in and out of Uganda all aimed towards making earth a better place to stay.
What is your role as Miss Earth?
A pageant winner is supposed to be an ambassador for people to look up to. How are you using you crown to make noise about issues that actually matter? It’s not just about winning the pageantry.
My role as Miss Earth is to ensure that earth is alive, that we can safely be on earth tomorrow living healthily.
What do most of you usually do after winning a pageantry?
Okay, most of the Queens just sit down, attend parties, and slay but then what we are supposed to do and what I am doing is being vocal out there, using my crown to speak, to empower youths, encourage people and whatnot.
What does Miss Earth seek to achieve?
Miss Earth looks to achieve a clear statement in the Ugandan pageantry fraternity. We seek to be one of the best pageants in Uganda actually the best pageant because we want to create awareness about what a queen is actually supposed to do and what a reign of a Queen means. Our platform is also quite unique and realistic- the environment.
What are some of the things you learned from the Miss Earth boot camp?
Miss Earth taught me to be calm, there are situations where I can’t believe that it’s actually me. Miss Earth has taught me to be calm, and I can’t thank them more for that.
If you were to go back to campus, what is that one thing you would love to do?
To study! Also, the one thing I never really did was to engage in groups that I knew would get me to another level. I was always studying, so really…
Were you a party animal while at campus?
Yeah, to a small extent. I was always reading and the only parties I attended are those parties where I was sure of making strategic connections and networks so as to uplift my life- everyone has a reason they do what they do, right?
Where do you see yourself in five years?
I see myself as an International figure one that Money looks for, that’s my lifetime goal.
What message do you give to young people out there?
Youths should really find themselves, there are so many youths I have asked- what do you want to be, what’s your dream? And they are like “man, me I am just moving, I am just rolling,” youth don’t really know what they want, they don’t have a plan for life, they lack direction they don’t even know their talents- what a shame?
Any last messages?
Sure! I am so glad and proud to be part of Miss Earth. Actually, we are now scouting for the next batch to compete for the crown, we, therefore, call on girls between 18-26 to look up for it.
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