Thousands flocked to the Namugongo shrines on Monday to commemorate the martyrdom of the about 45 faithful souls that were killed in the 1880s under the watch of Kabaka Mwanga ii the then king of Buganda.
The Uganda Martyrs have been celebrated over the years for their heroic display of courage and defiance in the face of violent persecution and death. Each martyrs day, we are told to emulate these souls that died for their faith.
Like many youthful Ugandans did, I spent my Martyrs day surfing the internet enjoying local content, at least, this is when I get to proudly ‘Buy Uganda, Build Uganda’. Yes, one ‘I came by fuutu’ video a day, keeps the depression away.
I also kept checking on the X account of Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe, particularly waiting for his Martyrs day message that never came through. I assumed the Martyrs day message shared on other university accounts well represented his would be message.
“May the legacy of the Uganda martyrs inspire us to stand up for what is right, even in the face of adversity,” the Martyrs day message from the University community where he subscribes as a member read.
Pondering on this message, I am hoping there will be a time we shall commemorate the Makerere University martyrs who have faced violent persecution because of their belief in academic freedom, affordable education among other civic rights.
Since his ascension to the rank of vice chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe has turned self into Makerere University’s Kabaka Mwanga and hundreds have suffered his wrath.
Shortly after being appointed vice chancellor, Makerere University introduced the controversial 15% tuition policy that has seen thousands drop out of the institution. Whereas the then guild president Papa Were is blamed for this policy, he says he was duped by Prof. Nawangwe into passing the policy that has killed many academic dreams.
Sipirea Molly is one of those whose academic dream of being an alumna of Makerere University was cut short because of her involvement in the anti-tuition hike protests. Molly’s MasterCard scholarship was scrapped off and she was expelled from Makerere University for being a ringleader of the protest.
Makerere University students have been silenced by the current administration with the help of unfair suspensions issued out to those that stand up to speak. This explains the present noisy silence of students on important matters.
This hard-hearted leadership has also killed many aspirations. During the primary stages of the 88th guild presidential elections, my good friend Bbosa Edrine Price was suspended for showing up at a political assembly organised by the National Unity Platform Mak chapter. This suspension cost him his nomination to contest in the guild race. My other friend Margaret Nattabi suffered the same when she was disqualified from the guild race because she allegedly attended a Kimenza (Hall general assembly).
Nawangwe also uses this military-like leadership to impose leaders onto students through sham virtual elections that were introduced as an alternative of physical elections following the unfortunate death of Bewatte during the 88th guild campaigns.
Just a few weeks ago, a law school lecturer was at risking of losing his job to Nawangwe’s wrath. Nawangwe ordered a probe into his examination set for first year students in which the lecturer satirized speaker Anita Among. Luckily, Among was in the lecturer’s defence.
Such is the state of Uganda’ premier university and one only wonders how many more will be martyred before Kabaka Mwanga is dethroned. We at least have an answer to teacher Mpamire’s question; ‘What went wrong?’