MBALE: Monday 2PM, the mood around Islamic University in Uganda main campus was light- it was nomination day.
Different gents clad in suits and ladies in hijab, smartly dressed awaiting to witness, nominate and second candidates of their choice as no one seemed to pay attention to the scorching sunshine. “Smartness knows no weather” was the reply I received when I tried to be quiz male students clad in all black.

With no special staff member present except the male warden and the security officer, an opening prayer was said, very brief speeches followed and the MC declared nomination started.

First was the nomination of aspirants for the post of sports minister followed by Dawah minister and then speaker. This not being the point of interest, most students kept booing until the nomination agenda dropped to lady vice. Here, four ladies got nominated; Nankoole Halima, Nugera Sugida Kenyangi, Nasra Ali Mohamud and Asena Halima all second year students at the Mbale based institution.

The final agenda was nomination of guild president, a category which saw five candidates nominated amidst chants, raised pla-cards, scuffles between the police and students and songs of praise to the candidates. Those nominated were; Mugamba Shahali, Mohamud Abubakar, Mohammed Dahir, Muganza Ibrahim Ali and Jamaldin Katende.

Despite being nominated last, a one Mugamba Shahali, a self proclaimed Professor seemed to have the majority support. He was lifted around as the crowds spoke on his behalf. On being returned to his sit, he shed tears of joy.

Now we await the decision from the vetting committee which sits tomorrow today and Wednesday 16th on who they’ll have cleared to continue as candidate.
In our next report on #IUIUDecides we’ll bring you the different candidates and their profiles.
PHOTOS by Denis Mukungu.
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