Victoria University Kampala has championed the Uganda’s first ever electronic guild elections which saw Michelle Kirabo announced as the next guild president for Victoria University.
The entire election process was done electronically with students streaming live campaigns from several contestants within their places of residence. The 14th day of January 2022 happened to be the voting day which attracted more than 500 voters to determine their next guild leader.
Michelle Kirabo, a second-year student pursuing Journalism and Mass communication emerged the winner with 79% while her contender Kasimagawa Abdul scooped 21% of the total votes.
In her inaugural speech, Kirabo promised to be more practical than theoretical and to work hand in hand with everyone at Victoria University to prioritize students’-based leadership.
The university Academic Registrar Ms. Precious Aturinda said that the electronic voting system was designed to promote transparency and integrity and to promote democratic elections at the university.
“Students vote only once and when their vote is recorded, the voting button is automatically disabled. There is no room for vote rigging or electoral malpractice in the system since only registered students can cast their votes,’’ she communicated.
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