Situation in Banda is still calm as students head to elect their guild leaders. The University electoral commission has so far delivered on time and no leader is yet to point fingers at any possible voting irregularities.
The election comes at a time students are heading to the exams is yet to attract a big number of students. There are a few polling stations at different faculties especially the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and the School of Management that are receiving massive turn up while the others are receiving few voters.

Different contestants have been prompted to go back to the hostels to invite more students to come and vote.
“The whole election exercise was deliberately made very short yet it is time for examinations,” says Benedict, a GRC contestant. “We have seen little morale among the students and I’m not surprised by the low turn up.
Among the Guild Presidential contestants, the race seems to have remained between the NUP flag bearer Mandu Mandwa Elijah and Mbaziira John’s (current guild president) fronted candidate Masuudi Ssekanjako.
“Mandu Elijah might find it hard to beat Ssekanjako in this race. Students are much on Ssekanjako’s side because of the successes of the current guild president,” says Migadde Emmanuel, a self claimed political analyst at the University.
“As for FDC, their candidate Serge is also proving his might. I’m however sure that NUP will go with any candidate that goes through between Masuudi and Mandwa,” Migadde adds.
The election process started on 1st March with the nomination of candidates and winner will be announced today.
The bee will keep you posted.

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