The campus fraternity should brace itself for Nigerian superstar, Timaya. The ‘Sanko’ singer is set to perform in Kampala, Suudi International Promotions confirms. The song, ‘Snako’ is one of the club anthems right now and every campus chap goes into a frenzy when this song is played.
Below is the announcement by Suudiman, the man brains behind Timaya’s UG show;
We would like to announce and confirm that we closed a deal with Nigerian singer and song writer Timaya to perform in Uganda and East Africa at a couple of concerts. Timaya has been a force to reckon with on the continent for sometime now, and being the leading promoters on the continent,we decided to bring him closer to his fans- and of course it had to be home- Uganda and East Africa.
Timaya is already fully paid and all our esteemed fans should wait for is communication of the show dates and venues.
Born Enemetim Alfred Odon, Timaya is the voice behind hits like Bum Bum, which also has a remix that features dancehall star Sean Paul, My body, and Sanko; currently the number one song from Africa.
As ever, our choice had to be one of a super entertainer that will cause memorable happiness to the people that believe in Suudiman International.