Winnie Tabitha
The Campusbee crew was given a private tour on the set of the hostel series. Showcasing what happens behind the scenes to the finished product that we all watch on television. Soleya Munyana, the Head of Production and Producer of the Hostel showed us around and explained to us about the various unsung heroes who are responsible for making everything we see flow smoothly.
The shooting premises which are based in Lake Drive Luzira, are quite large at first sight, the rooms are spacious making it easier for camera movement. Though it is not what the management had in mind, but the location suits them for a while.
I was fortunate enough to find the cast and crew shooting their 41st episode of the series. First off was the script writer’s room. These are the brains behind the lines. They come up with what the characters will say and the emotions they will bring out.

Then we moved on to the editors’ room, they call these guys the unsung heroes of the crew, that’s because they do work and no one notices them. These guys do the voice overs, the clip editing, fixing of any issues on the clip and so on. They also make use of what soundtrack to use for what scene so that the mood can be made more comfortable.

We then moved on to the technical team, this part of the crew work and equipment and make sure that every equipment needed for filming is available and the also make sure there is proper visual of the clips.
They also have a finance department that funds every financial need they have in mind for the production of the series that is. Unfortunately she couldn’t tell us their budget for the series.
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