Just when we gave you plot for Friday, we didn’t know that the Club Dome would register a full house of highly spirited students, who would dance the night away.

On Friday, Impis rugby grounds in Makerere was flocked by students dressed in Party clothing ready to groove and experience different performances.

The Lumumbists took to stage their awesome stupidity, they sung the Lumumba anthem that is coined out of the National Anthem, this added more flavor to the event and just after the Lumumba boys left the stage, condoms turned into balloons.

There were different performances amidst Salvador Idringi’s stale jokes and nursery rhymes that he probably uses to get laid. Maurice Kirya sung alongside Myko Ouma, Vampino also caused rack-ass when he got on stage. Sheebah was the highlight of the night.

The DJs of the night were so good they left students yearning for more. The duo, DJ Roja and DJ Slick Stewart, who kick started the dance phase of the night blew minds as they played their music alongside each other.

The Club Dome was filled by the sexiest campus students, our reporters confirm that many guys were left simply drooling and crushing on these sexy girls.

Overall, it was a fun night as students grooved to Music played by the best DJs in town, the performances were superb and the beer was cheap all night.
PHOTOS by Zahara Abdul
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