Mastula Mutaasa Kafeero, a daughter to city tycoon, Mutaasa Kafeero is facing the dark side of social media. Mastula, who’s in her early 20s was recorded nude with another girl, a one Bridgette, playfully holding each other in a bath tab.
It is believed this video was recorded by this party animal’s friend during a house party Bridgette later uploaded it on the fast growing social media platform, Snapchat.
Snapchat is a mobile app that allows one to send videos and pictures, both of which will self-destruct after a few seconds/hours of a person viewing them.
It is this belief which prompted these girls to post this nude video thinking it’d self-destruct after one view, they were wrong.
Surprisingly, in the video, Bridgette is heard telling Mastullah; “abantu bagenda gileakinga ku WhatsApp,” [loosely translated as; people are going to leak this video on WhatsApp].
Since one cannot directly download the video off Snapchat, one of Bridgette’s followers re-recorded the video using another phone.
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