How do you define beauty? If your definition is lacking some words, we got a perfect word for you; desire.
Amelia Desire is a passionate chick on fire but does not burn nature. She burns the souls and the air around her.

We would say that her figure is like a bottle of Coca Cola but that would be an understatement and we are sure the police would employ all its units to look for us for underestimating the beauty of an earthly angel.
Amelia Desire is in her third year at Kyambogo University and she might be the reason why the new buildings were quickly built in order to sustain her beauty. She is serious when it comes to class work but also early enough for social hungout with friends.
He skin blossoms like the Hogwarts wizards keep sending her dandelion magic to stand out of our troubled world. Her face is embroidered with a magnificent pulchritude that undulates like the Limpopo waters.

Her smile is so lethal that a freshman would think she does not belong to the Homo sapiens species or think that she is the fairy queen that rules the neverland archipelagos.
When in long range she looks too humble to be approachable but as soon as you swallow hard and desire to open up a conversation with her, the mano a mano causerie will end with your heart warmed up and your soul full of beans that you have talked to a humble and appeasing piece of living art.

Amelia is a reserved fun loving person and her objectives to life are that life is what you make it. She enjoys her life every time she gets a pinch of free time. She is ever surrounded by smiling faces of her friends that keep her soul and those around her blazing.
Her passion is in business though she is not able to open up much about this matter.

When asked about what she loves, Liverpool won’t miss her list but she still admits that she fancies trendy gizmos and a stress free life. We however discovered that her platoon of friends coheres mainly of girls because she seems to have a special one who rules the Ancestral menomotapa kingdom.
When you meet her around campus, be sure to give her a hi five on our behalf.
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