Kyambogo University Guild leaders are in an “all-out attack” with a petition for amendments of the revised university financial manual.

According to Kiyengo Hakim Lwanga, the Information Minister, it is reasonably certain that some reviews in some sections of the Kyambogo University Financial manual are unfavorable to the students and the growth of the University.
To this end therefore, Students’ comments were received which prompted the relevant authorities to petition to the Chairperson University Council.
Attention drawn to the University Council Charter, a thing or two can be picked up as below;
To start with, “once a petition has been properly lodged and there is acknowledgement of receipt, it shall be tabled before Council at it’s next sitting. Then Council shall receive and consider the petition with a view of: allocating it to an appropriate committee of management for investigation which shall provide it’s report to Council for appropriate action.”
Also, “petitions shall be disposed off in a month’s time and communication made to the petitioner(s) within seven days after the decision has been made. But, it is beyond the jurisdiction of Council committees to admit petitions from staff and managers of the University unless authorized by the University Council,” the Guild advised.
That noted, the Guild cabinet hopes that such legal mechanism shall oblige the addressee to see substance in their petition, and thus considering the survey findings as a foundation to the amendments.
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