TiKiTi is an app developed by young creative lads who were tired of surfing different websites or calling people to find out what’s happening around town and queuing for tickets at concert venues, they would too often end up misplacing or not getting.
Under the Ignition Group LLC, Alvin Kato, one of the managing partners who likes to describe himself as “a smart phone enthusiast” and lives abroad, originally dreamed of developing this application after struggling to keep up to date with the city’s social calendar whenever on short visits to town. “It is this challenge that led me to the innovation that is TiKiTi. “With this free app, we intend to feature all that is to do in Kampala, not only ticketed events but also free entry events, club nights, concerts, movies, arts, fashion and sports” says Kato.
This application works in-sync with event and sports organisers, bars, movie cinemas and clubs across town to make sure they are always up to date with the content to their clients. It involves hangout reviews and ratings. The app developers collaborate with event organisers to feature concerts under this ticketing program.The app developers collaborate with event organisers to feature concerts under this ticketing program.
In the hands of university students
The intial founder of the app is abroad but delegated a team of campus tech enthusiasts and marketers to run all the campaigns and ticketing of various events. Below are their simple profiles;
Sempebwa Mohammed
Nankinga Valerie
In every entity there is always that hot chic who will be put at the forefront to attract the attention of dudes with of course the aim of luring them into buying the product. Valerie is that chic. During TiKiTi sponsored events, you are most likely to be approached by the yummy luscious Valerie. She will greet you with a bright grin making you think you just might get lucky, only to start asking if you have downloaded the app in your android phone yet. Valerie pursues a bachelor’s degree of in community psychology at Makerere University, in her second year.
Now this dude right here is the engine of all business deals. He is responsible for chasing for partnerships with different event organisers to get TiKiTi app on board. He is also a team leader, always commanding his colleagues and being exemplary in the field. You may mistake him for a market because of his enticing words but he does Business Administration, majoring in finance at Mubs.
This ticketing application helps subscribers to find out what’s going on from the different listed categories and enables them check the locator map to see how close they are to a specific interest of their choosing. After you find the event you seek, TiKiTi enables you to buy the ticket using available phone payment platforms. It offers you a Ticket with a QR Code which can be scanned at the event straight from your phone.
With this application, someone living abroad can also send tickets to friends and family in the country. It also guides you to the venue via your phone’s GPS.
Simple guide on how this app works;
- Find out what’s going on and make your proggie: Check the map to see what’s happening near you or browse the categories for your interests
- Buy the ticket directly onto your phone as a QR code – pay with your mobile money
- Let the event locator direct you to the venue via your phone’s GPS.
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