At 19 years old, Hayley is a spark of hope, inspiration and motivational life coach everyone needs.
Hayley Mulenda is a Multi-Award Winning Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur and Author, she’s an inspiration that helps many reach their aspirations!
Hayley is an incredible young woman who has managed to build her own registered motivational speaking company; promoting education to school children all over the United Kingdom.
Hayley has toured up and down the UK, working with different universities promoting empowerment and her book “The ABCs To Student Success” which is available on Amazon.
The young Ugandan has talked to thousands of students in different secondary schools, colleges, and youth organisations globally.
She has conducted two talks at the Houses of Parliament, her talks and seminars are life-changing, inspirational, and fun. She is a force not to be reckoned, full of enthusiasm, and an icon to belong with!
She has been called “Miss Inspiration,” many have also described her as “The Spark”, the same spark that is needed to help you get out of bed at 6am in the morning.
Hayley is an admiration for the youths with a vision, she integrates love, wisdom, and humour ; empowering young people in a way they’ll never forget!
Hayley has been recognised globally for her work, featured in The Huffington Post, BBC, Apple News, online blogs in Austria and an online magazine in Brooklyn, New York.
Hayley is here in Uganda for a school tour to empower the young people. She shall speak in Acorns, James Cambridge, Aga Khan, Galaxy and working with AFFCAD.
1-)BE (Black Enterprise) Mogul – Most Influential and Most Inspirational Black Entrepreneur in Britain for Under 21 Supported By Natwest, 10 Downing Street and Mayor of London- 2016
2-)Positive For Youth Inspire Award Winner – 2015
3-)Jack Petchey Achievement Award Winner – 2015
4-)People of The Year (YOPEY) Nominee – 2015
5-)National Diversity Award Nominee – 2015/2016
6) Nu People Mag Inspire Award Nomine – 2016
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