The norm had it that for one to be a leader at campus, in this sense a Guild President, he or she should be rowdy, notorious, popular, famous or should have championed a strike of the sort. Well to my dismay at MUBS that doesn’t seem to be the case as intelligence and core capability is fore lined to choose one of their own as Guild President. In an exclusive interview with H.E Yoram Banyenzaki, he opens up and tells us of how he made it to the top seat, what he has conquered and what he plans to overcome in a bid to be true to his campaign slogan ‘The MUBS we all want writes PIUS ENYWARU
Congratulations on the success of winning University Football League and Beach soccer. As President what more should we expect from you as regards sports in your regime?
Thanks a lot and I would love to take this opportunity to thank the entire team that made sure MUBS made it to the victorious platform. We plan to continue participating in such activities. Inter-Guild tournament is scheduled for 14th at Nakivubo stadium where MUBS will be part and expect more talent from MUBS.

Apparently, ‘The MUBS we all want’ was your campaign slogan. What’s there to thank you in your reign and what are your intentions to make MUBS a better place to be?
Yes sure that was my slogan and I didn’t stop at only the campaigns but I took it beyond the campaigns and no one would wish to have a MUBS they didn’t want. I have made the Guild more vibrant ranging from sports because the Guild is part of the student’s body. Am proud to rejuvenate the students interest in Campus affairs, am committed to serving the students, embraced inclusiveness of students, embarked on delivery of promises and addressing of issues of concern, Am proud to have improved on security at campus through adopting neighborhood watch, Guild van and a coaster has been secured, There has been critical orientation of all the 1st years, Berlin section has greatly been renovated and they have a flat screen at their disposal, Renovation of some facilities at campus is on-going and more importantly is that Government students have received their allowances on time than the usual delay and this has been rectified by the guild.
MUK caused chaos at MUBS when they made decisions of scrapping off courses & merging some without the consent of MUBS. What really happened that students are not aware of?
MUK didn’t cause chaos at MUBS on that I want to be clear. Let me take this opportunity to express my disappointment and dissatisfaction with the media for spreading false propaganda. Let me clear on one thing, by law MUBS is affiliated to MUK and although that is, MUBS is financially and administratively independent from MUK with different committees and councils. The only unifying factor is academics whereby MUBS students apply through MUK. But this was all spilled by poor media report, misinterpretation and MUBS has the mandate to scrap, put in place and merge her own courses not MUK making those amendments.
Which resolutions were tabled that claimed down the students not to proceed with another strike?
Well surely order was only reclaimed and restored through effective communication to the students. And the facts that had been ignored in this matter were cleared because the section act of these matters is very clear that MUBS is only an affiliate of MUK but not subdued to MUK and MUBS is independent solely.
It has been brought to our attention that the 10% that was stopped by the H.E Museveni is actually still part of the fresher’s tuition. What is really not being explained?
Let me gladly be clear on this matter that is seemingly becoming an issue of concern. It’s true that the 10% is still included on the tuition but this is encrypted in the system and those that will have paid full tuition will be extend to next semester. This implies that 20% will be ducted off next seem to produce t actual tuition structure.

Rumor has it that MUBS intends to break away from MUK. Can you please ascertain to those rumors?
MUBS is already and independent institution and only and affiliate to MUK. Let me clarify more on the word affiliate that people seem to be confused about. Affiliate surely means being joined with but not merged with and that’s what MUBS is a mere affiliate. MUBS by law is affiliated with MUK but runs its own affairs administratively and financially regardless of the affiliate to MUK. SO there’s really no reason to break-away from anywhere because we are not under any Institution but we stand alone.
What are some of the core aspects that make you a vibrant leader from the other Guild Presidents from other Campuses and the ex-guild presidents of MUBS?
My Personal approach surely stands out of all. I aim at addressing students because they are the ones that mandated me to be here. I don’t believe in cheap politicking, do a lot of consultation from my cabinet and embark on effective communication to avoid alterations. I also commit myself to possibilities and I make them happen. If impossibilities are brought up am clear on that and I don’t go for it. Am sure that’s what makes me different from the rest.
What are some of the challenges that you’ve faced and those you’re facing as per taking over Guild President-ship?
(Here he first rests back on his seat and scratches his head) As a leader of course there are some challenges you can’t forego. Well for me Different expectations from the people you serve who will constantly demand for both possibilities and impossibilities. Living out allowance for government students has proved a challenge as most students don’t want to submit their information in due time which makes it a little hard to contend. Different management from that of the Guild also slows down my work as there’s too much expectation coming in from the big people but surely all is under control.
Rumor has it that strong criticism comes to you when choosing your cabinet that you were a little tribalistic. What’s your take on that?
(His face beams with anger as he also directs the “did you make research?” Question to me. I humbly reply that it’s a rumor you need to answer and clear the air). Let young people like you not be misled and taken up by rumor and whoever claims that should first make a thorough research. My cabinet has only 4 tribes mate out of the 33 on the cabinet members. I only choose people on my cabinet that are capable to work and have the ability to so don’t have time for cheap politicking.
Do you actually work with your opponents Zake, Sinini and the others?
Well the position I hold is an elective position and the only reason am here is because I was mandated to be here. Unless I resign or get impeached which I highly doubt will happen am here to stay. When you win, some loose and for that matter I won and it depends on one’s ability to handle failure. Consulting them is very okay but I have a great formidable force of a cabinet that is highly supportive. But I tell them that this is not the end and let them accept the fact that the government is in place. I highly welcome constructive criticism and detest negative criticism and for now am concentrating on developing MUBS, leading the institution, concentrate more on constructive issues and they should maintain their integrity.
When are the freshers getting their gowns because it seems they have been sidelined and word around campus has it that they intend to faze them out because they are a symbol of strikes?
My request is that those that have fully met their financial dues have the right to pick up their gowns from the dean’s office. Let no one misinterpret the true meaning of these gowns, they are purely academic gowns and that ought to be point to notice.
As a students’ leader, do you intend on taking the leadership to a step greater than this & if so what are your intentions, Your Excellency?
As a citizen of this country I too have rights and obligations and I greatly love my country Uganda but for now am planning on personal development, concentrating on changing society and my political ambitions are in a time frame. So come 2016 don’t expect a Yoram to run for any post on the national level at least not now surely. (For now I get to see him smile with joy)
For those intending to run for Guild presidency what is your advisory message to them?
I advise them that it’s one thing to plan and it’s another for things to happen as planned. One should adopt a rather intellectual sober mind than a confrontational approach which I deem inappropriate. It depends on what you have to deliver and speaking facts is paramount if you’re to make sense.
What makes MUBS a formidable force from the rest of the Universities?
I would love to commend the management and the administration that have been vibrant and good in indoctrinating a good culture in the students. I would also love to thank the student’s good attitude to positivity. All these have made MUBS a great campus.
Your last remarks and Knowledge words to the campus community.
I would love to take this opportunity to thank you for your co-operation & encourage all the MUBS students to work hard. Am continuing to serve the students and achieve their objectives in order to present a conducive environment for the MUBS we all want. I also want to wish all students success in their exams and assure 1st years a great stay at MUBS.
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