National Drug Authority (NDA) has raised a red flag to Gulu University regarding “Covilyce” a locally made remedy to treat Covid-19 noting that medicines are only permitted to be sold after a successful approval from the authority.
Prior the herb’s approved by the NDA, residents in Gulu district and the surrounding area are yarning to have the drug in their stalls to be purchased.
Recently, NDA approved the use of Covidex, another herbal concoction from Mbarara University Prof. Ogwang as part of the Covid-19 treatment and since that time, the price has continuously gone up due to its increased demand.
However, NDA, said in a statement said that it is not aware of the production of any Covid-19 herbs by the university.
@UNDAuthority has not approved this product, it shouldn’t be on the market and the innovators have been warned. They confirmed this product is still under lab research and tests. Before we notify a product, it shouldn’t be used as we can’t guarantee it’s safety.
Given the increasing daily Covid-19 infections, the country is in dire need for solutions in form of medication but the onus is on the respective agencies to regulate what is right for human consumption.
Therefore, there is a systematic procedure that Gulu University has to follow to have its product approved before hitting the market.