Phaneroo Ministries International, renowned for its unprecedented growth levels and how it has captured the hearts of Uganda’s young and even older generation has released an official statement setting the record straight.
It is the position of Phaneroo Ministries International that the allegations levelled against the ministry are untrue and based on rumours and misrepresentations.
In its statement, the ministry says “We have parents who attend Phaneroo services with their children, ministers from various ministries, elders and honourable leaders of society.
It is so absurd for one to regard all these beneficiaries as delusional to such an extent as to promote sin. Let it be known that it is intolerable to preach such nonsense in Uganda, a nation under God.”
Here is the full statement.
Setting The Record Straight
Phaneroo Ministries has been continuously targeted through planned campaigns based on countless accusations that are lacking in proof, very deliberate falsehoods, and calculated misrepresentations. The architects of these campaigns are individuals that we greatly respected and honoured for their highly placed stations in the religious circles. Some of whom we tried to reach out to in the spirit of walking in love to sort these matters as Christians. To our dismay, they denied us audience.
Extremely underhanded and appallingly petty methods have been employed by these individuals and institutions in this crusade, some of which we are ashamed of mentioning and attributing to men that profess the Christian faith. These range from paying people to give false witness, to openly threatening the members who attend or serve invarious capacities of the ministry. Some have gone ahead to make “Phaneroo” the topic sermon on their altars, and have defiled the consciences of innocent people on false and baseless accusations. Phaneroo is a taught topic in the confirmation classes of children as young as eight years, with examinations set to the same effect and they are daily being indoctrinated against us.
The legal implications of these methods aside, it is a sorry state for the church that the hearts of the men at its helm can be so full of spite. It is very saddening that Christians can be this diverted from the cause of Christ and the expansion of the kingdom of God and instead fight fellow brethren who are after the same cause.
We have testimonies ranging from countless souls being won to Christ in every meeting at Phaneroo, to young men and women forsaking all kinds of social vices like:- drug and substance abuse, promiscuity, criminality, etc, the list is endless. The ministry runs a weekly outreach initiative to prison convicts, and drug addicts for rehabilitation and restoration. It seems as though these are deliberately ignored by these individuals.
Sometimes we wonder whether they really are seeking for the truth or just wish to find Phaneroo at fault. This is because, if one sought to know the truth, there are clear-cut biblical parameters and principles of natural justice to follow rather than gossip and slander.
This character assassination, maligning and reputational damage has been done through the writing of widely distributed anti-Phaneroo circulars, social media attacks, holding anti-Phaneroo conferences, sponsoring books and DVD teachings solely against the ministry.
The spirit of this publication is to set the record straight, because we owe an accountability to those who hear us, their family members and to the moral conscience of our society.
Our initial silence was not out of passive acceptance of these allegations or powerlessness. Rather, it was out of respect for our accusers and the maturity to walk in love. However, when they choose to feed on our silence in order to obliterate the fire that burns on our altar, it behoves us to speak out for the sake of the many that light their candles at its flames.
Principles of Christian Restoration
It is painful to realise that these highly respected men and women have completely disregarded the basic tenets of the scriptures with regard to these matters. We wonder how one would justify “fighting for the faith”, while grossly disregarding the basic principles of biblical teaching on the same.
Tenet 1: Does the law judge a man it has not heard?
Phaneroo services are live streamed across the world, its mobile application is a tap away, daily devotionals are sent, radio programs are aired weekly, sermons are available in all formats, and we have a clear statement of faith on our website. Up till this moment, we still await a particular reference from any of the sources mentioned and no one has come out to quote a contradiction.
Accusations from many critics reveal for a fact that they have never listened to any of the Phaneroo teachings. It is a classic case of hearsay. ‘We hear that they say.’ This prompts the question, ‘who is they?’ Most accusations are of statements deliberately TAKEN OUT OF CONTEXT to fulfil a nefarious agenda.
Tenet 2: Galatians 6:1; Brethren if a man be overtaken in a fault, ye which are spiritual restore such a one in the spirit of meekness; considering thyself lest thou also be tempted.
There is no single evidence of the desire to restore in this massive campaign. If you want to restore a man, why would you expose him on social media which has too wide an audience, many of whom might not have the wisdom to understand matters pertaining to spiritual restoration?
Tenet 3: Titus 3:10; A man that is an heretic, after the first and second admonition reject.
Apostle Grace Lubega has never been approached to be admonished despite his willingness to listen and his persistent open invitations to these individuals for productive dialogue.
Our Position
WE DO NOT EXALT OURSELVES ABOVE THE ALMIGHTY GOD. Yes the scriptures teach that we are partakers of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), but that does not in any way mean that we stand in the stead of Jehovah God. We would not be worshipping him if we didn’t extol his majesty.
It extremely offends our intelligence to think that one can gather thousands of learned and educated men, old and young, to teach them that it is perfectly fine to kill, steal or fornicate because they are under grace. No one born of God can accept that as truth. We have parents who attend Phaneroo services with their children, ministers from various ministries, elders and honourable leaders of society. It is so absurd for one to regard all these beneficiaries as delusional to such an extent as to promote sin.Let it be known that it is intolerable to preach such nonsense in Uganda, a nation under God. Like Apostle Grace Lubega pointed out in his sermon titled “A rock higher than I”, if such a thing was ever preached in Uganda, Phaneroo would preach against it.
WE DO NOT TEACH MEN TO ABANDON MEDICATION. God is a healer. But doctors are an extension of his healing arm. Our faith is not against science and medicine. Faith is a personal issue, that is between one and their God. Our declaration of the healing power of God does not mean that we preach against medicine.
WE DO NOT TELL STUDENTS TO WRITE EXAMINATIONS IN TONGUES. Not only is this extremely foolish, it is also irrational that a right thinking individual would write an exam in a spiritual language that cannot be logically reduced into the English alphabet.
It is not our intention to approve or explain ourselves to those who don’t know the price of the gospel, are made up to misunderstand us and do not hear God in these matters. We fully understand the patterns of divine approval and that they are by God and not men (2 Timothy 2:15).
We wrote for the sake of those with the integrity of spirit to judge out of truth and not mere rumour.
We choose to forgive and make earnest prayers for the restitution of those who have wronged us, and pledge to keep doing what God called us to do, preach Christ and him crucified.
Our hearts also go out to the people that have been ostracized, ill-treated, and abusedbecause of their affiliation with us. God knows our hearts, he reflects on these injustices and He will vindicate us. We will wait on Him!!!
The storms of contention will continue to rage across the sands of time but we believe our FOOTPRINTS OF TRUTH remain etched permanently in these sands. We are persuaded that we have overcome this world, the Lord of Hosts abides faithful.
From ages past THE PEN OF TRUTH has outlived its persecutors. It shall prevail eternally.
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