Just recently, the rolex that we eat was praised and regarded as a must-have delicacy in Uganda during the recently concluded Rolex Festival. In similar spirit, we bring you the top 10 rolex eaters in Olympia regardless of the fact that society views Olympia students as ‘classy’ and ‘rich.’
1. Daniel a.k.a King Babz.
Daniel is perhaps the King of rolex in Kikoni which explains his a.k.a King Babz. He goes to the gym frequently which might also partly explain why he is capable of eating a rolex worth 5,000 Ugx- Yes, he is that kind of guy.
2. Francis and Vianey
These two are roommates but their love for rolex surpasses that of their women. Life Chapati is their ‘KFC-like’ joint as every evening you’ll find them there ordering for their delicacy. This duo of rolex eaters often orders the 2k special rolex for lunch and supper.
3. Moses
There are people you’d never expect to be perpetual rolex eaters because they look classy and rich- to these guys, Moses is a disgrace. Moses feasts on rolex for breakfast, brunch, Lunch, et al. I bet constipation is synonymous with his routine.
4. Patricia
Who said that girls don’t partake of the rolex delicacy?- Patricia is a lovely and friendly girl, matter of fact, she has her money but, she is a perpetual rolex smasher. One might think she gets her looks from eating the delicious ‘nyanya mbiisi’ rolex but well, that’s a tale for another day.
5. Sam
He is the size of a rolex itself- enough said? Sam, is perhaps Daniel’s assistant when it comes to crashing the rolex. The duo [Sam and Daniel] can win a global rolex eating competition- no jokes.
6. Timothy
He likes it special- 4 eggs, 2 chapatis, everything else raw! That’s how he rolls, in the rolex first lane. Often times, he has his rolex delivered to his room as he is as lazy as flour. Timothy is a fuckboy but I bet none of these girls ever knew how much he loves the rolex.
7. Tracy
She is also a regular at life chapati- one might think her life entirely depends on rolex. She is a special customer, she often buys her rolex with a banana perhaps for extra sweetness.
8. George
He gyms, rolex is a necessity- one might say and we are not against that. George is complex but the rolex makes him melt, vulnerable, and whatnot. Although he partakes of the 1,500 ugx rolex, he does this too much- in a day, he is capable of consuming 5 rolexes.
9. Joan
Another one of a kind female, Joan perhaps fries her own eggs but we are certain she eats the rolex. She purchases chapatis in bulk every morning and these she buys with tomatoes and onions- there is really no other explanation, rolex tormentor.
10. Isaac Bejess
Of course- he couldn’t miss on this explicit list of rolex tormentors. He is famous of eating the “six eggs, two chapati” rolex… He loves his chapatis hot, just like the eggs, with fresh tomatoes.
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