Two days back my every own crew lashed out at me for my ludicrous decision to turn down head. Why or to whom I did turn down is still a misery to them, to me it may have been just the wrong stereotype she was categorized in. Many guys will on several occasions sign and seal conclusions pertaining to a babe’s sexual urge simply basing on her day to day actions or social behaviour.
If the last thing you could want is for women stereotyping men basing on physical looks, occupation and pocket weight, then don’t do them same.
After remaining quiet drowned in books the entire day, surely all she adores at the end of the day is some good music tickling ears, let go of her hair, it brushing her shoulders then probably do a strip tease for his guy as they chill indoors. Movies and television are somewhat to blame for their portrayal of these book worms’ secret wild side. But then again, it could just be that you believe that because they’re so prim and proper all day long – what with silence there must be a crazy aspect to them after the books are closed. Why shouldn’t that aspect be of the sexual variety?
Yes just as the name suggested. It’s Nicki’s cottony ass in the anaconda video at your physical disposal with these queen daggering dancers grooving. If she can twist her body to the weirdest and hardest of the deejay spins and back plays from the decks, then why not wiggle to your rhythms in bed. In fact this giving more reason why old chaps and dudes travel all away from Muk, Mubs and Kyambogo universities flocking bars around Mukonos’ UCU and Nkozis’ recently completed Bbosa bash to have a glimpse of these ‘bu’girls shaking their flaccid behinds and soft waists.
Women with tattoos/ body piercings
Supposedly thought to be lionesses in bed; she’d whole hearted opted to mutilate her body so as to have some ink sublimed into their skin pigment or a hole drilled through their body then think no further, she craves the bad aggressive bed type man. Dudes who watch ebony porn or to those who board bodabodas to storm bimansulo (strip clubs) can ascertain that the babes always involved in the stage action have a piercing or two or wear tattoos. Now, not all of them do, but nevertheless the association is that women who have tattoos crave sex. As well, you might think that women who get piercings and tattoos would relish nothing more than some rough copulation sessions (and have it often) all in commemoration of the sensation they received while they got the art onto their bodies.
Overweight women
She’s got more than the socially acceptable size; she’ll want to make up for what she lacks aesthetically in bed. Since they don’t get approached as often as their opposites the stick portables do, when they stumble upon a guy interested in gawking at them naked, they’ll slap you bosoms and thigh, give you an awesome time you too will even narrate with no fear at your death bed.

Uh, if she’s fanatic with her body, she’s assured of an eye onto her every step she makes, so why not use her beauty to her advantage. The provocative cat walks, the enormous thigh power and palpable double-Ds aren’t just to fill the shirt; they’re put up for display to charm that cash out of your pockets. Wondered why ladies storm clubs in skimpies you got you answer.
Smokers & Drinkers
Smoking one weed joint by a lady once in a while won’t astonish anyone, though packs and joints smoked daily by a single soul will worry many. Smoking may seem unsexy to many dudes but her puffing that shisha pot bending her neck backwards, revealing her smooth neck surely leaves many dudes drooling. To the beer bending ladies, salute, it takes guts and boldness for one babe to tank gallons of beer down her stomach without fear of becoming victim of any dubious acts that may befall her while she’s inebriated. Dudes will confess preferring making love to a tipsy babe than to a sober one. “I don’t drink but prefer having sex with a babe that has drunk. There’s a way they respond and get the courage to do stuff they haven’t done before!” said Sam a student from Nkozi.
With these ones, it’s not something to debate about. Obviously every dude will rush to them. Not because they’re the ‘nkumbis’ (hoes) around campus rather know exactly what to do. The too much experience embedded within them basing on the multiple bed time they have had with different dudes attracts many chaps towards them. They have visited all sengas so they can’t go wrong on anything beneath those sheets. Have much love for sex reaching to extents of stocking dudes online.
Side Dishes.
These are the best in bed because they are stress free not bothered by the common boyfriend girl friend relationship cheating dilemmas. They’re ever willing to give out their goods its always ready meat say unlike the girl friend type who will always need incentives before getting a piece of her yoyo. Best of it all they give you the best sex being it is done hurriedly for fear of being caught.
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