It is almost that time once again when the gallant freshers storm universities to ‘eat life’. The unique bit about this particular set of freshers is that they have been made to wait a little longer to start Campus.
There is a growing perception that these ones are going to be extremely wild and adventurous. However, at the end of all the life eating escapades and reading of books, one must have a place to rest. It is on that note that I bring to your notice a list of prominent hostels at Uganda Christian University (UCU) for a fresher to think of;
Tupendane Suites
I once sat and wondered why hostels in Mukono like giving themselves executive end names like Suites, Courts. But that is a topic for another day. This hostel has rooms with a lot of space (if you know you only have a mattress, a suitcase and scrubbing brush, please don’t go there). It is one hostel that has been bombarded by lawyers. You will probably leave when you are well versed with the constitution of Uganda. It’s nearness to Campus is favourable for any student. However, if you can’t down at least three bottle of Nile Special in thirty minutes, just scroll down. This is not your option.

Soso Courts
Here is where you find drunkards. From Black label to the famous Kasese drink, they sip on literally everything. The students in this hostels have nine lives. They are only sober when they are sleeping. Loud music and wicked parties are the order of the day. It has good looking rooms as well. However, it has an annoying ‘motion sensor’ that makes a sharp noise almost al the time. It even senses wind (you can imagine). If one gives you a call while you are at Soso, they may think you have a bird in the room.
New Galaxy Hostel
Also known as the ladies vineyard, this is where you find sexy UCU Campus mamas of all shapes and sizes. Therefore, if you know you have an insatiable appetite for girls, look no further than this place. It is not called galaxy for no reason. It is actually a galaxy. A well furnished interior and quiet ambiance is the beauty about this place. It is easily one of the best hostels around UCU.

Pameja Girls’ Hostel
It is a purely girls hostel known for having smoking hot girls. However, in the mornings at around 6am, Campus boys can be seen emerging from the rear end of the exit gate of the hostel (commonly known as the walk of shame). It is a hotspot for girls and Campus boys can be seen marauding around its premises with black kaveeras hoping to entice the girls. If you do not want to be single next Valentines (because I know for sure, most of us are this time round), just start to predate around this hostel. However, for a girl, it is a safe option.
Premium Hostel
If you are used to bathing hot water and sleeping by 8pm, look no further than this hostel. Here is where you find chubby kids who are used to the simple side of life. It has nice rooms and even has a new section with balconies. However, the custodian has to get the number of your parent to update him or her about your academic progress (there are even rumours of a visitation day at this hostel). On the brighter side of things, it has water heaters. Showering cold water is unheard of at this hostel.

There are quite a number of other hostels but these are the most prominent ones. Welcome freshers.
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