Makerere University has kicked off its 72nd Graduation ceremony today May 23 and will run for five days till Friday 26th with different colleges assigned different dates to occupy the Freedom Square.
As the ceremony proceeds, the university is shedding a light on some outstanding performers and achievers on this momentous occasion.
Kickstarting the ceremony today will be the College of Health Sciences (CHS), College of Natural Sciences (CoNAS) and the School of Law (SoL) with the latter celebrating a special feat.
The School of Law is pleased to celebrate the success of its first female student to graduate with a Doctorate in Law.
“One of the graduands today is Ms. Carol Adoch who will be awarded a Doctor of Laws (LL.D). She is the first woman to be awarded a Doctor of Laws.” Makerere Law School announced.
Ms. Carol Adoch will be the trailblazer as she goes into the record books as the first female to be awarded a Doctor of Laws.
She successfully defended her LL.D thesis earlier this month, resulting into the prestigious award.
Congratulations Doctor!

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