Makerere University is gearing up preparations towards the 72nd graduation ceremony slated for this month, 23rd May 2022 to 27th May 2022.
The Academic registrar, Alfred Masikye Namoah has thus revealed to the stakeholders as regards the authorized suppliers for the graduation gowns.
Notably, the suppliers have been stratified according to the different colleges for easy accessibility.
“This is to inform you that the following suppliers have been approved to supply official graduation gowns for the 72nd graduation ceremony to be held from 23rd May 2022 to 27th May 2022,” the registrar noted.
In recent years, graduands had often complained about the hazy procedures in acquiring the gowns. Some contracted suppliers would deliver late or partially, leaving the prospective graduands in dire disorganization.
The university management has since the 71st graduation ceremony informed the concerned in time about the responsible suppliers of the revered attire to mitigate the confusion.

It should be recalled that Makerere University increased the 2022 graduation fees up to Shs 218,000 from the 110,000 that was paid last year. The increase, noticeably, is because the university has gone back to charging graduands compulsory money for their graduation gowns after allowing them to purchase them at will in the virtual ceremony that took place last year.
The ceremony, expectedly, will see more than 14,000 students graduate with diplomas, bachelor’s, master’s, and PhDs in various programmes.
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