Yeah, it is exam time and you are probably looking like you just swallowed a bee. I know you have been missing all the classes and punctually attending all the parties. You are not aware of all the units you are supposed to be taking and probably knows no more than three lecturers; and here you are, supposed to be sitting for exams in a weeks time- I can feel your stomach churning..
Anyway, let me help you out- and that’s not a reason to start grinning like am going to dish out some leaked questions, too bad dude, you may want to go back to high school for that. Neither am I going to tell how to pass- discouraging huh?
1. Relying on your lecturers to be the sole source of information: You may not be the party type and attend all the classes like they are some sacred gatherings. But if you are only looking up to the teacher for information and nowhere else, you are doomed from the word go. Be curious, make the library a friend- not some bedroom where nobody wants to talk loudly- have discussions, be savvy and so on. And in case you didn’t know, Ben Carson attended less than 30% of his lectures and still made it to neurosurgery- and am not suggesting you do entirely that.
2. Last minute rush. Now let’s be genuine for once and admit some facts here- we all procrastinate, a lot. And we do it best when it comes to exams. But if you wanna pass, then you gotta be different. Start early, I know 70% will evaporate within 3 days, but at least you will be able to save some time when the actual revision comes. Otherwise brothers and sisters, you will be looking at what I call familiar questions only you can answer non of them.
3. Not testing yourself: Yeah, I am aware you perspire at the mention of tests. That’s cool ( God knows that’s not cool) and we all do it. But testing yourself while revising should not be a big deal. It is not like you will do a supplementary for it anyway. Believe it or not, you might just find some questions you set yourself in the real exam. That should be delicious Just don’t be all grins till you forget to answer them.
4. Reading what they already know: I know there is that smothering feeling you get when you understand what you are reading- by all that is academic, you deserve to feel that way. But do you have to be reading that all the time? What if non of the questions come from that favorite part of yours?
Look here dude, ( and chics) let us save ourselves from doing another retake by focusing on what is really getting us nauseated. You cannot run from the ‘difficult topics’ forever. Take more of your time working on them and stop feeling good about stuff you already know- that’s how good grades come by- no easy way around it.
5.Cramming: This one has even managed to be an academic cliche. We do it all the time- only it is not working all the time. You might pass that particular exam but when it comes to professionalism, you will not even behalf baked, you will be a mixture of dough and raw eggs. You will also have to be reading all the time like you just came to school the other day. Every time you read something it looks like you’ve never seen it and because exams are due tomorrow, you cram it- again.
Drop that habit already. Exams are not hard if you do not make them so- which I guess you are doing.
Courtesy article