By Agatha Muhaise
Twitter: @Agie256M
Almost everyone owns an android phone of late, but we tend to utilize only 20% of what these gargets can offer. Besides facebook, twitter, viber watsapp, instagram, all the other social networks and addictive games your phone can also make your life much easier and fun. All you need to know are the right apps you need to use. Here are some free apps that are compatible with all kinds of android phones that will surely add oomph to your life and perhaps get you laid!
If you are a lover the latest music, this is an app that you should have on your phone. When you press the shazam button, it detects any media paying near you. It gives you the title, name of the musician and album. It will also provide you with links you can buy the song, links to the lyrics website if you want to sing along and you can share your shazam with friends on facebook, twitter and google +. You can shazam unlimitedly and it is as small as 6MBs. My secret tip is, if you are out of MBs you can shazam, it saves the media and you can re-check later when you have reloaded.
Olive office
After trying out a bunch of fake typing apps, this is my personal favourite that I think each campuser should try out. It give you a chance to view, type, edit, copy, paste and share a Microsoft word document, excel and power point on your phone. With all the most vital functions in the field, like text selection, creating a new document, editing already existing documents, saving and directly attaching to an email plus viewing a pdf file. And the good news is, you do not need internet connection to type ounce it is installed, it is only needed when sharing. So if you forgot about the deadline and the lecturer wants his work after class, no worries you can now type and send your course work in right the lecture room.
Swype keyboard
Are you tired of typing the whole word or not sure of the spelling? Then you resort to forging abbreviations that the receipt may not even understand? Or just using smileys, come off like you do not know English. Try out this one, it is the highest rated gesture keyboard. You just have to draw a line to the direction of the letter you intend to write and it will predict the word. It comes inbuilt for some android phones, but you can download it from your play store. It predicts words in more than one language. You don’t have to be typing ninja to answer a text in less than 5 second, just get swipe.
Music maniac
Music maniac is an MP3 downloader that provides the latest music free and in sizes that can be as small as 1MB. All the search results contain full information about artists, albums and the Album-Art as well, so it’s easier for you to identify what you are looking for from the vast category of choices. You do not need someone to Bluetooth you the latest song all the time, it your entertainment made much easier app.
Photo grid
Ok you went to a cool place and had a great time, and took lots of pictures. And you want to rub it in our faces all at once easy. The fancy way to do that is get photo grid and design your multi-picture composition. Photo grid is equipped with a number of layout for your creations with a range of effects, stickers, backgrounds and for the girls, over five filters (your picture will look gorgeous). And your final composition can be shared on any social network.
Its time to pimp your phone with interesting apps and realise its full potential. However note that the apps mentioned be can only work on android phones, so unless you can borrow Harry Potters wand for help. Do not expect you K series to miraculously adopt them.
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