Most of you have average hostel rooms with one or two essentials. It’s not a must of course that it has to be lavish but why not make it one if you can? Let’s introduce to you Tonny, a first year student who owns one of the finest rooms at Ideal Platinum Hostel (Nakawa).
This dude is a student of Business Administration at MUBS.
What’s the most treasured item in your room?
I love my Xbox ?, my plasma screen, home theatre system… Yeah that’s basically it.
How do you keep your room clean?
I have a very responsible girlfriend who cleans my room, does my laundry whenever she comes to visit me and in case she(girlfriend) is busy, I hire someone to come clean…
Why do you love your room?
My room is the finest compared to all those in this building. My room is number 1 and that’s why most girls if not all at Ideal Platinum frequent this place.
Whats one thing you hate about your room?
I hate the fact that I have to use staircases to get to my room since it’s on level 2.
Interview | Photos by Jovines Davis | Campus Bee
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