University students often overly criticized many times unfairly, campusers are associated with indecent ways of life, immense immorality partying, wild freedom and violence. A university student often is characterized by clubbing, sex, sour relationships academic inconsistency , no one ever appreciates the goodness in university students. It all stems out of the nature of humanity, it’s
much easier to find fault even out of something so perfect.
Generosity; university students are immensely generous when faced with a good cause, they willingly give. I’ve seen how generous they can contribute for a humanitarian cause.Last week, often an organization places huge bags at gates of the hostels and halls , one gets surprised at how quickly the bags fill.
Kindness is another virtue clearly entrenched in campus, last semester a visually impaired law student lost her braille machine to some vile individual. A drive was kickstarted to collect some money and replace the machine, within a few weeks, a brand new machine worth 1.6 million ugx was bought.
Peaceful; university students love peace, they live loud but peaceful lives, it’s clearly seen through the way Kyambogo university students live with their neighbours in Banda, without any
quarrels. Even when insecurity arises they don’t strike back.
Patriotic; Patriotism is the love for one’s nation. The way they embrace youth empowerment programs and when Uganda plays Namboole is filled with university students ,well it’s not just patriotism but also the love of fun.
University students are united; there’s this solidarity that cements their relationships together, there’s this goodness that is
manifested when tragedy befalls, students will rise and show care to the victim. When one loses one’s loved one, fellow students are known to collect condolences and offer the deepest of sympathy. I’ll live out the fashion forward, talent laden –
pinnacle of knowledge argument for another day.
Clearly the hearts of university students are pure, no doubt.