University babes not only like getting laid but also the whole process from fore-play to after play and if you can not satisfy all these then greater chances are you may not get it the second time no matter how sweet it was.
One of the greatest mistakes ninjas make is cumming too fast. Most women like it when you spend at least 20 minutes before reaching climax. If you can’t last it long then you need to spend more time on fore-play.
Babes like to be kissed a lot both before, during or after hitting their ‘bean’ because it makes them feel soft, sexy, beautiful and adds the romance that they crave.
If you want to win your girl and keep her forever then you need to master that one part of her body that turns her on. Women like to be touched that one sensitive part of their body and whenever they come back to you it’s because they know you will deliver.Some of the girl’s “hot” zones include her neck, shoulder, back, buttocks and feet. But it needs time to study more on her. It’s necessarily that whatever works on one girl will work on the other.
3. Assuming She’s Satisfied
The greatest mistake you can ever do is assume that she is satisfied once you are done. It does not work that way. You can always tell if a girl still needs more regardless whether you are exhausted. Always find a way of satisfying her or else you won’t see her again.
4. Insufficient Foreplay
If you want to enjoy making love then you need to master the art of fore-play. Girls don’t like the hit and run chaps. Those that just jump on them and within a minute or two they are done. Not unless it is a quickie. Ladies like it when you create that sexual anxiety in them, make them crave for it and by the time you want to HIT her bean and weevils in there, she already wants it so BADLY. Trust me she’ll come for it 1001 times as long as you keep your game fresh.
5. Being Silent And Emotionless
Finally ladies hate it when you just lay their emotionless without even saying a word. Even if you are not in the moods try to show that you are enjoying every bit of it. Something as simple as a little moan, or even saying something like, “That feels so good,” will encourage her.