Okello Herbert
Friday is the last day of the official week, it’s the official day of sin,
It’s the best day of the week!
I force myself out of bed, after, my alarms gets tired of ringing.
My limited wardrobe, means I have to wear my worst clothes or re wear the one’s I wore on Tuesday.
I drug my self to class ,walking as lazy as any other students , the campus has few students ,most campuser’s weekends begin on Thursday evening.
8;30 am
I reach class, the first lecturer comes 30 mins. Late and says he’s got a meeting to attend.
The second lecturer doesn’t show up ,meanwhile I scroll through my messages and try to see if my friends have plot.
I check Facebook for happening plots.
12 noon.
I call around and confirm my presence, making sure the opposite sex is part of my plans.
1 pm.
All I see in my mind are bottles, and women shaking,
My ears ring with the sounds of Jamaican music and get down low. I hurriedly eat my Rolex, as I save for the night.
I prepare my killer attire and sleep in preparation for my nocturnal duties.
#AtDuskWeRise .
I shower, dance around the hostel playing extra extra loud music, as I wait for friends.
I buy a few bottles and drink, nanti charity begins at home.
The few drinks I take charge me up.
I shower again heavily spray, and buy mints.
I call home, telling my parents in Kibale
“I’m going for overnight at Watoto “
I link up with friends, drive to Pana, smoke some shisha, drink a cold beer.
Fill up the the taxi to Mukono 11 making noise all the way.
Arrive in the blazing hot Mukono.
Smoke more Shisha,
Apple flavoured. Shisha
Grab a cocktail flirt around.
Pool finances with friends and buy a big muzinga of Ug…. Mix the liquor, and hold the baby around.
I throw up…
2-3 am
Dance with such zeal, like am being paid.
Join the circle of hot babes.
A drunk man is a blind man ,
Everyone looks smart,
Looks beautiful….
4 am,
I and friends change spot. Go to a random club.
I push some money into my socks, in change.
430 am
I lose all my friends, so I have to board a bajaj,
To campus, I follow the main streets, where there’s light.
I see the patrol car,
Shit I have no ID…
I SPEND my Saturday morning on the back of the police Patrol truck.
I doze my way to the Hostel, go to my room, sleeeeeeep.