Monica Nabimanya
Secondhand smoke is almost linked to cigarettes and even perceived to be more dangerous than primary smoking but what if you are constantly greeted by the stale smell of weed and cigarettes, with a roommate who perceives themselves as Zeus.
It’s even worse when all your property gets high along with them; for instance you return from a long day of unending lectures only to find your utensils, clothes, beddings defying the laws of gravity because your roommate in “their right mind” deemed them fit to hang in the air. It might seem like the roommate is the only victim to this vice however at times the smoke-puffs move freely out the door and ventilators and the neighbors too get a share of the content.
John Mubiru, a second year student from Makerere University narrates that at first it didn’t bother him, but then the smell began to get into his room and his bathroom and before he knew it, it was his new acclaimed fragrance. That wouldn’t have been a big problem but to most of his friends, he appeared constantly unsober with chronic red eyes and in fact more accommodating and cheerful yet at the same time short-tempered.
It seemed he benefitted from the drugs more than the owner himself. I guess as is the talk lately,the Government needs to reduce on the amount of money spent purchasing tear gas and build rehabilitation centers to cater for the rising numbers of university students consuming drugs because though some people are drug addicts by default, some are addicts through affiliation and rehab would be good for their soul.