You’ve been in this situation, haven’t you?? The chances are that if the break-up was reasonably amicable you’ll both still get invited to social functions held by your friends, but worry not, I bring you tips of how to deal with this whole complicated situation.
1.) Don’t opt for smaller intimate social gatherings. Whether or not it was your decision to end the relationship, don’t use social intimate gatherings to make up and resurrect the relationship. It’s easier to be with your ex at a huge party where he or she is easily avoidable, avoid smaller social gatherings like movie nights and room parties that will make you fall into his/her indecisive arms. Get real, give yourself time to heal from the break-up before making a mess out of yourself.
2.) Be civilised. Be brief, exchange all normal pleasantries with your ex and get back to your business. Do not roll your eyes or talk sh*t about your ex to your friends; remember, they are also his friends. The best option available is to keep it civil. Be brief and real. Say hi and be polite while at it, even if your head is screaming “son of a bitch.” This will in fact help you get over him more easily especially if you can sit down on a later date and iron out burning issues. If they are rude and immature, let them make a fool out of themselves, just don’t stoop so low to their level.
3.) Retain your dignity. However tempting it might be to flirt with someone else, resist the urge to make out with another person in your circle of friends especially if you’re both fresh out of the beak up, however much you ain’t responsible for their feelings, its not good to flaunt around with your new partner just to make your ex feel bad. It might feel satisfying at the moment but you’ll probably be left with an emotional hangover.
4.) Don’t inquire about him or her from your friends. Your friends have definitely met your ex already, and they haven’t mentioned it for good reasons. So why ask?
5.) Don’t put your friends in the middle of it all. Complaining to your friends is fine, but only to a point. Don’t try and turn mutual friends against your ex. Never ask them to take sides or use them as spies to keep you informed of your ex’s feelings or situation. Now that’s really gross. You are likely to lose friends at a time when you need them most. It’s exhausting for them, and it can get really awkward, they care about you, but your beef with your ex isn’t their business really.
6.) Do it the badass way, get rid of the whole squad. Get rid of the whole squad and make new friends. It seems hard but you’ll be in a way better place and chances are that you’ll succeed. Your true friends will perfectly understand your situation of not going out with them. Draw support instead from people who are not connected to your circle of friends, other friend squads. I can’t lie to you and tell you it’s easy to do because it’s absolutely not, but you must do it.
7.) Wait for the right catch. So, here’s the reality for those of us still trying to figure out what to do, avoid your ex in order to heal, #AvoidWithCivilisation? and once you’re over him, wait for the right one!?
Success in your endeavors.