In the normal Ugandan curriculum, the average age of a student joining university is usually 18 years. This, however, is not the case with Timothy Nkenu Woma, a 16-year old Bachelor of Laws student at Uganda Christian University. This student (of Nigerian origin), joined Ucu in 2013. Consequently, 2013 was mandatory bridging year for Nkenu. Mandatory bridging year is a year when one plainly offers foundation courses; it is usually meant for non-Ugandan students. Nkenu then successfully enrolled for a bachelor of laws in September at the Mukono based campus. Nkenu is arguably the youngest university student in Uganda. He talked to this website.
How Come You Joined Campus At 15? How Is That Even Possible?
We are way past the eras of impossibilities. Well, it’s majorly due to my early enrollment at age 1 (one) and I got double a double promotion in primary school. I actually finished high school at 14 in 2012 but was home for a year preparing and “catching up” the fun I had missed.
What Is The Nigerian Curriculum Like?
Pretty much same as that of Uganda except that primary school in Nigeria is between 5-6 years (depending on the school) and the 6 years of high school are totally O-level. Instead of going for A-level, which is voluntary, I decided to opt for a bridging year course.
And Did You Find Any Difficulty Being Admitted At Ucu?
I experienced no difficulty whatsoever in the entire application process, totally hitch-free.

Did You Try Applying For Any University And You Were Rejected?
Rejected is not the word. It was a pending application as the university had gone on a strike then. UCU came through during that ‘pending’ period.
Why Did You Come To Study In Uganda?
Uganda was never a first choice for me due to the negative media publicity the nation has in Nigeria. My brother who was pursuing a Master’s degree (in theology) at UCU asked me to apply and I did. It was never a choice although I do not in any way regret it; it was prudent.
How Do You Find The Ucu Administration And Students
Well, there’s no doubt that everyone is imperfect and the UCU community is not an exception. On a general note though, I would say nice.
Do Your Coursemates Know Your Real Age?
Actually, no. I have crossed the thin line between age and maturity and have not given them any reason to think of me as a 16 year old; they guess I’m 19. Of course they keep speculating due to the ‘un-bearded’ nature of my face.
How Do You Fit In? Don’t You Get Bullied?
Hahaha, bullied? No. I fit in perfectly. I live a worry free kind of life that I would like to figuratively describe as ‘elastic’. I fit with any person/association no matter who it is that I am dealing with. Also, as I have earlier stated, no one has a reason to believe I am 16 as I have not given them any reason to do so.
And The Girls, Have You Hooked Up Any Campus Girl? If Yes How Did You Do It?
Liked them? Yes but hook up? No. And I don’t intend on doing so anytime soon.
Is There Any Moment That You Tried Approaching A Girl And You Were Turned Because Of Age?
No. I prevent it from happening right from the very beginning. If I pick special interest in someone, I get over it as quick as possible as I know that’s an absolute impossibility.
Do You Really Think Age Matters When It Comes To Studies?
To an extent it does. It is not too unusual seeing a 16-year old unkempt and incapable of keeping personal hygiene. However, there’s a gap between age, maturity and academic capacity that should be put into consideration, not age alone.

What Has Been Your Most Embarrassing Moment?
We were into a serious discussion among friends then suddenly a lady goes like “look at this small baby, what do you even know?” It made me feel bad even though she was wrong and actually was the “baby” to the facts of the discussion.
And Best Moment
As I said, I live a life where I try not to worry about anything so every minute I breathe, every second I’m alive is part of my best moment.
If It Wasn’t Ucu, Which University Would Have You Enrolled In?
Most definitely one at home.
Your Words Of Advice To All The Campus Students…
I do not I am in a capacity to give such advice but generally, it would be that every student should look beyond the normal ‘job-seeking’ boundary and explore the unlimited as it is never a crime to dream and work towards the realization of such dream.
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