I believe every human on this planet wants to have good, smooth, freckle free skin and some of you don’t know how to work that magic that will keep you admiring your own skin, well ladies and even gentlemen… yes this is a unisex thing, I’m going to give you a few very important tips that will give you a glow for days.
These tips are simple and can be done at home and anytime you need to feel fresh and smooth. the famous ingredients include honey, yogurt, lemon, Thank me later.
Face mask for clear blackheads. You’ll need an egg white and lemon juice. Mix the lemon juice and egg white in a bowl and stir properly. You can then apply the mask on your face and let it dry accordingly. Peel the mask off only after it has dried to remove the blackheads, then rinse will cool water. Finally pat the towel dry on your face.
Face mask for brighten skin. You’ll need one tomato and about two tablespoons of milk. Blend them together until you see a satisfactory result and then apply to your face after you are done. The two ingredients seem liquid but when you apply to your face, the milk hardens. Then you can rinse off for perfect results.
Face mask for clear skin. You’ll need one tablespoon lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey. Clean your face with warm water before applying this procedure. Squeeze the lemon juice in a bowl then add the two teaspoons of honey to it, stir till its properly mixed and apply to your face. Let it rest for about 30mins to an hour before you take it off. Then rinse with cold water.
Face mask for glowing skin. You’ll need two two tablespoon of yogurt and two tablespoon lemon juice. Squeeze the lemon juice into two spoons and mix in a bowl with the yogurt. Later apply to your face for about 15 to 30mins and then rinse with cold water for good results.
Face mask for tighten and firm skin. You’ll need two tablespoon of coffee powder and two tablespoon honey. Get the crushed coffee powder mix in a bowl with the honey, don’t forget this is a face mask not something to eat. After mixing you can gently apply to your face for about an hour. You later rinse off with cold water.
Face mask for anti ageing. You’ll need one egg white and two tablespoon of Aloe Vera or you can use aloe Vera and a few drops of coconut oil. Mix them together, apply to your face for about an hour then rinse off with cold water.
You can use these methods anytime of the week you want but mostly during bedtime. The methods are more effective before you go to bed so that you can wake up with a fresh face. However, not every ingredient is suitable for your skin so be careful on what you use.