Oba ladies be how? Last night, a few minutes past midnight, she knocked at my door. I kindly opened. She looked trembled, with red, sleepy, and teary eyes. She said, humbly, “Please, would you come and help me?” I asked, “What’s wrong?”
“The rat”, she stressed.
“What’s wrong with the rat?”
“It’s under my bed”
“The rat or the snake?”, I again asked, out of surprise, for this lady never says hello.
“The rat, and it’s alive”, she exclaimed, “come on and be a good samaritan. I can’t sleep. Please! Please!”
Like any other humble lad would do, I did volunteer as my neighbor requested, and went back to my room. A few moments later, I realized I had missed out on convincing her to leave her room and join me. But anyways, I am a fuck-less giver. So, I resumed my business (I always work late in the night, by the way.)
So, today, here some other large hip-curved babe knocks at my door. It’s evening. Around five O’clock. She has bought a new phone, mbu. So she wants mine to do what she couldn’t elaborate to me. Of course, she has the goodies. Somebody should take a flashback on Shaggy’s ‘Strength of a woman’ track. It’s been ages.
She then takes my windows biiki-biiki (phone), and I keep waiting. Mind you, I was very busy using the phone. But as you can remember, even when Titanic sank, it were the ladies and babies first, to be saved. As if we men are less human. As if we’re made of mahogany, or bamboo. Have you ever been caned with a bamboo stick? If yes, you got a testimony, too. And as if they, the ladies, are made of glass; that once you haunt or hurt them, they can easily break. One day, I will turn one plastic or cobalt, if not aluminium, and see if she will break or melt.
Meanwhile, the large hip-curved lady returns the phone. Good, she hasn’t delayed. But, menh, guess what? The blonde lady requested for Beerako worth 2,000ugshs airtime, plus the 220shs charge incurred while repaying, without any of my concern, whispered a thank you, like any other nightmare, and I responded welcome.
She stays a few feet from my room. Apparently, the next room. If mine is room A, hers is room B; and if mine was room Z, hers would be Y. I am warming up, as I patiently wait for her big ass. She must explain, tonight.