Just like any other group of humans, men are more inclined to fun stuff and short term flings that can’t easily be got anywhere except at campus. For a guy it can be “I know this is not going to last, so I just want to have a fun time. She’s not going to want children from me; she’s not going to want a long-term commitment” Here are some of the reasons why men won’t buzz at you as much as they did while you were a campuser;
They think you forgot what fun means. It’s a common notion that campus girls know what fun is. Yes, it’s true. To older guys, campus girls mean one thing: FUN! This excited guy remarked that “Campus girls are often more fun and more exciting than older women (you are now in that category) , some of who become dull, boring homebodies. A lot of the girls I know don’t go out as much as they did at campus, and even when they do, it’s not quite the same as partying with current campus people.” the campus girl is very free-spirited, she’s very experimental, she tends to be wild she’ll do things that an older girl wouldn’t necessarily do.”
Curfew. Some of you campus was your egress and your “never land”. It’s where you would be free enough to try all this fun and stupid things without anyone telling you to come back home. You did everything unconsciously as long as you had fun. After campus when you go back to your parent’s home, all this comes to an end. Your father will call constantly remind you that you are a girl and you should be home before 9pm. No, men do not want that. It’s boring to them. So they keep it campus locked.
They want fresh and naïve. Most girls after campus start thinking like the mature girls they now are. They want a career, marriage and babies. Some men don’t want a ring yet or babies! Sometimes guys date younger women so they can escape from the pressure of settling down: When girls get older, they may apply more pressure on the man to get married. Younger girls are still figuring out the world and not pushing him to have kids and get married. Remember we said to them it’s all about fun. If the guy is not yet ready for the “tie-the-knot-and-have-kids” stage in life, he may seek out a younger girl that isn’t placing that kind of pressure on him.
Men think girls that are done with campus have seen it all. So their everyday any day option is campus girls who are easier to impress. Even if those aren’t his intentions, most older guys would agree: campus girls are easier to impress! A campuser who is not used to going out to silver springs for dinner, making cinema her home, and spending money on her, is easier to impress. Older girls that have been through campus, who most likely have been on many more dates to exquisite places, may not be as impressed by a simple gesture like a dinner out as a campus girl would.
Guys also may want to date a younger girl because it might be easier to impress her sexually. He always feels great when he can impress her sexually. The fewer sexual partners she has had, the more chance that she will be impressed by him in bed. Yes, it’s true: guys may like it if you’re not as experienced as the chick that is done with campus. It takes the pressure off of him!