Ask anyone what it really means to be a leader and they may have a bit more difficulty providing an apt answer. Suddenly their words become amorphous and undefined. Somehow though, leadership is an intangible charismatic virtue that some people possess and others simply do not! To Ahmed, leadership has been a calling which he has embraced with open arms.

Ahmed Abdirahman is a second year student at Makerere University offering a bachelor’s degree of Arts in Economics. The able-bodied 6 ft hunk and belle magnet has already been the Guild Representative Councillor (GRC) of the School of Economics twice. He has spearheaded and witnessed quite a number of decisions and policies that favor his electorate to go his way.

The current Minister of Academics in the 85th Guild is the kind your momma warned you about. If the Hercules’ doppelganger in Ahmed went on a charm offensive, few girls would be left with the word ‘NO’ in the precincts of their minds and hearts.

Ahmed is a gregarious and an out-rightly friendly gentleman whose virtues have earned him a plethora of friends as well as admirers.
Born and bred in the heart of Kenya’s capital, Nairobi, he found little resistance winning over the hearts of those he found in the Pearl of Africa.
Abdirahman’s colossal fashion sense and a good sense of style is evident of a person who’s traveled the world and seen places and many faces. The ever bubbly and charming gentleman from the land of +254 likes adorning tuxedos given his leadership duties. Always dressed to the nines, he prefers keeping his apparels simple but cool.

Ahmed always lets off steam by dining at some of the A-class restaurants in Kampala and Nairobi. He also fancies playing the game of chess, meeting up with friends from all walks of life and hitting the beach to forget the troubles of this cruel world in the white sands at the shores.
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