By Anita Ayesigamukama
Ahumuza Levicato is a student and a guild president of Kabale University pursuing a Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering.
Apparently, he chose to study this course because of family bias. Most times, in order to make our parents happy, we go with the flow and so did Levicato to please his darling mother.
When we talk about the Guild President; I mean he is addressed as “His Excellency” yoo. Just between you and I, did you know that Ahumuza was forced by his friends to contest for this post? This was attributed to his leadership skills and the zeal they discovered in him.
Like any political position, the Guild presidency is quite challenging but he keeps pushing on.
“It gives you new friends and some old friends think you forgot them because you do not meet their expectations but in real sense you still cherish them but due to certain responsibilities that come along you intend to have cut yourself from them and you end up creating unnecessary enemies,” he said.
Leadership and being a student aside, playing and watching football take the lead on what he does during his free time. Not forgetting hanging out with friends to have a good time and create more memories together.
Keep tapping the Bee to get your self His Excellency’s number.
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