Ladies, if big dewy-eyes, neatly groomed beard and light skinned Muslim is your type, then Kimuli Najib, a social sciences student at Makerere University is a sight to see. It’s not just the looks by the way, but his inability to understand what his presence does to the ladies. A guy that’s fine and has no idea as to how fine he is- so adorable.
Najib studies evening classes and during the day part times for a Chinese bottling company as a maketeer. This company must be paying him good because he’s always looks fresh, plus his Raum never has kafuta issues. You will find him swaggering away in his car, on his own fuel and giving lifts to fine mamas that gladly go aboard when he offers.
Clearly Najib is a muslim, the name gave it away, but even more convincing are the exquisite kanzus he vamps on for Juma. When you see this boy on some Fridays, you will get the whole “fresh prince of Dubai” look. From the muslim hat to the fancy kanzu and of course, his legendary beard to add to the charm.
Najib is a ladies’ man but no factual information can be given on the lady that keeps him up at night. After all, he is a Muslim. A side from that he’s a pretty chill guy and open to making new “friends” find him on facebook @Prince Kamil Najib.