Enywaru Piusantos
Well now that we are entering the new semester real soon, with Kyambogo and UCU already feeling the heat, one should sober up and look ahead a tight program again. The coming semester is more so a critical semester, one with a lot of activities and schedules that are headliners. MUK and MUBS are also set to start as early as Feb, then we can see some really spectacular twist of events and gigs here and there.
The most important of it all is the Guild Presidential elections that are slated for this semester across major Universities. MUBS unlike many other universities seems to take a presidential election preparation more serious. Information coming from the Nakawa based university for a while now is that hype is up in the sky. By preparation am talking about underground recruiting and massive mobilization of campaign teams to start as early as possible to gather majority support. This started as early as first semester and scheming has been tremendous. The notable icons that are in the drive to raid Guild Presidency at MUBS are two very charismatic and zealous individuals.

Birungi Victor a Bachelor in Business Administration student in Second year and Aijuka Evelyn who are the leading contenders to take over Guild Presidency. Evelyn Aijuka and Victor Birungi are no new entrants to the politics of MUBS with the two already serving in the reigning regime of H.E Yoram Banyenzaki as Guild speaker and Deputy Speaker respectively.
Both nurture a strong plan to become Guild presidents in the coming semester with so many enigmas surrounding their plans. Evelyn Aijuka who is understandably on the Democratic Party ticket has on several occasions been seen with DP president Norbert Mao and this is believed to be one of those mentoring sessions as she prepares to run for Presidency. Victor on the other hand is yet to decide on whether to stand for presidency on either the FDC ticket or contest as an independent candidate. Well lucky for him, time will tell as he seemingly has many connections and backup as well as Evelyn.

These two have faced off before and its evident this won’t be the first time they will be facing off. They both contested for the post of Guild Speaker during last year’s elections and Evelyn had a landslide victory over Victor Birungi. As the elections seem to draw closer, vigorous preparations seem to be put in place and when the day comes, choice will certainly be the voter’s hands. Voters none other than the curvy babes and hunky lads from the Nakawa based University. These are not the only contestants vying for the juicy post but there are many but still on the low, probably still on the drawing board planning on how to cause some real headache.
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