MBARARA: Bishop Stuart University (BSU) in Mbarara on Monday saw some of the guild cabinet members arrested and detained by police for organizing a Guild Representative Council (GRC’s) emergency meeting to resolve issues raised by the students which the Vice Chancellor had earlier disagreed with.
Among those arrested and detained by the police are; the guild speaker, Atuhuriire Modern, the Health and Environmental Minister, Haruna Rama. The two are also accused of attempting to fight with the Finance Minister only identified as Baluku who was siding with the Vice Chancellor on matters concerning the guild finances.
Recently, the Vice Chancellor had ordered deductions on some funds especially on guild and student affairs which the duo disagreed with. Upon refusal, the Atuhuriire convened an emergency meeting to discuss way forward on the matter at hand although the meeting was intercepted by police, who according to sources, were sent to arrest the two on orders of the Vice Chancellor.
Although several students have expressed concern over the arrests of the student leaders, the two are still detained at Bishop Stuart University police post.
According to one of the students Bwengye Deus, it was wrong for the student’s leaders to be arrested since they were acting on matters under their jurisdiction and guild cabinet members.
“It is the duty of Guild Representatives to organize meetings to discuss students’ affairs just like any independent students’ representative. We are standing by them through thick and thin and demand for their immediate release,” Bwengye told Campus Bee.
Although it is not yet clear when the two will be released, efforts to get comments from the university proved futile as their PRO couldn’t be reached and have not yet issued an official statement on the matter. Campus Bee will update you on the proceedings.