Nakoma Abiya, a third year student at the second biggest public university in Uganda, Kyambogo, has been found dead in her hostel in Banda. The Community Rehabilitation student, according to her friends was not seen during the whole independence weekend. “She was AWOL so we thought she had perhaps gone home for the mini holiday. When we tried calling her yesterday, her phones were off up to today when we decided to go check on her at her hostel. The door was however locked. After contacting her home people in Butallejja District whether she was home, they said they hadn’t seen her.” Isaac Olupot, one of her friends narrated to Campusbee.
He continued: “We consulted the custodian who broke into her room only to find her lifeless.”
Her body has been rushed to Mulago Hospital where a postmortem will be carried out. We shall bring you updates as soon as we can. May her soul rest in eternal peace.