Christopher Nahabwe, a student at Bishop Stuart University (BSU) was found dead on Tuesday August 2 under unknown circumstances.
With the involvement of authorities and the public into the matter, an analysis had to be done to find out the actual cause of death.
Subsequently, Police in Mbarara city finally issued out a postmortem report detailing the cause of death of the 28-year old arlier found dead in the University’s guild Chambers.
The Rwizi Regional Police Spokesperson, ASP Samson Kasasira, in a press statement released, disclosed that a postmortem report about Nahabwe indicated chances of poisoning.
The deceased hailed from Kalyamevu village, Mpumudde Sub County in Lyantonde district.
Kasasira added that although the deceased was already buried at his ancestral home in Lyantonde District, Police will proceed with investigations to ascertain whether this was a suicide or a poisoning case.
More details in the audio below;