Social Media has still not yet comprehended the import and seriousness of a circular from Bugema University that is circulating around Twitter, WhatsApp and Facebook. It is still a shocker.
The circular officially stamped and dated 12th December 2018 20thfrom the management of the university shows a list of items, jewelry and clothings that have since been banned from the campus.
Titled “To all female students Bugema University (Boarders and Day Scholars) banns students from wearing miniskirts, earrings,lipsticks, necklaces, bangles, sleeveless and open tops, coloured nails, trousers and dresses above knee line.
“No student should come back to campus with the above mentioned effects next semester” reads the circular and concludes that students who violate the memo will face disciplinary action for serious action.

It should be noted that the university (main campus in Mbale and and a branch in Kampala) is a seventh day university and follows very strict religious practices, however, these new rules have just refused to make sense to the student community.
The new policy seems to be directed to only girls who are being addressed raising a discrimination question as to whether the male sex students can wear some of the restricted items like the bangles, jeans on campus.
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