Bukuri Kakooza
Cavendish University are the winners of the 6th Inter- University Interface Debate that took place over the weekend at Green Hills Hotel in Kabale district Western Uganda.
Interface Debate is one of the programmes carried out by Centre For Constitutional Governance (CCG) in different higher institutions of learning mainly to Just and Equitable societies with the CITIZENS at the centre of their governance. This year’s topic was; “Freedom of speech, Expression and Association in Uganda”. CCG has bases in over 20 Universities in Uganda under Hope Initiative Clubs and all of them sent representatives to grace the event.
The debate begun with the presentation on the Political History of Uganda and the role of the youth by Dr. Tindyebwa Joseph, a lecturer at Kabale University and a Political Scientist who encouraged the youth to participate in the political transformation of Uganda actively like the current national leaders did when they were at University.
Joseph appealed to the youth to look to the reality of some programmes to improve on the youth livelihood. “You should be today’s leaders not tomorrow’s,” Joseph said.
This time five Universities were on the panel, Bugema, Cavendish, Mbarara University of Science Technology (MUST) , Mutesa 1 Royal University , and St Lawrence University. Each panellist was given 10 minutes to present their argumments.
The Judges were Mr. Bruce Balaba Kabasa , Chairman Appointments Board Makerere University Council who also doubles as Secretary- university Forum on Governance (UNIFOG) ,Ms Carolyn Nabbasa Ass Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Human Rights Specialist and Lawyer and Dr. Tindyebwa Joseph.
Ajejumobi Johnson a Second year Law student of Cavendish University was pronounced the winner of the day followed by Nono Samuel Michael from MUST.
The Debate was closed by Director for programmes CCG Ms Sarah Birete who thanked all the panellists and the Universities that sent representatives.