In the bustling corridors of Makerere University Business School (MUBS), whispers and speculations are rife about the fate of Juma Wasswa Balunywa’s bid for Guild Presidency in the upcoming 2024 student elections. The social media sensation, whose popularity has skyrocketed among students, may find himself sidelined from the ballot if the swirling rumors hold any truth.
A concerned member of the Juma Wasswa Balunywa camp recently penned a letter to the acting MUBS Principal, Prof. Muhwezi, expressing apprehension over what they perceive as biased interference in the student election process. The letter, titled “RE: THE BIAS OF MANAGEMENT TOWARDS OUR CAMP,” raises eyebrows over alleged actions taken by the academic board that seem to encroach upon the domain of student affairs..
According to the missive, the Academic Board Meeting convened on Thursday, February 14, reportedly delved into the academic standing of Balunywa, specifically noting two retakes on his record. The students argue vehemently that such matters should not be within the purview of the Academic Board, whose mandate primarily revolves around educational matters such as teaching, timetabling, and examination results.
“It is unprecedented that student elections become fodder for Academic Board discussions,” the letter reads, underlining the students’ concerns about the perceived bias influencing the electoral process. They assert that the Principal’s premature disclosure of Balunywa’s academic status could potentially jeopardize his candidacy, thus undermining the integrity of the elections.
The students further allege that faculty members have initiated discussions on staff platforms regarding Balunywa’s eligibility, utilizing what they claim to be forged documents to implicate him in misconduct. However, Balunywa’s supporters maintain that his documents are clear and in order, ready for use in his campaign.
Amidst these allegations, the students urge the Principal to uphold fairness and transparency in the electoral process. They call for clarification on the grounds for disclosing Balunywa’s academic status prematurely and demand that the Principal refrain from intervening in matters best left to the student electoral commission.
As the controversy simmers on campus, all eyes are on MUBS administration to address the students’ grievances and ensure that the upcoming elections are conducted in a free, fair, and unbiased manner. The fate of Juma Wasswa Balunywa’s candidacy hangs in the balance, amid swirling accusations of institutional meddling and electoral impropriety.
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